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歌曲讨论与分享第128期 key plus words-by 平田志穂子 feat.川村ゆみ






帅哥离线 最爱桂ヒナギク


发帖: 13353
SOS币: 3859
社团: 爱与正义の麻将幻想乡
社团: 摔C3同好会
社团: SOSG牙防组协会
注册: 2009-05-28
访问: 2020-01-12

发表于 2012/12/04 | 编辑

猜你喜欢: key plus words


好了,今天继续是P4的系列,今天跟大家分享是P4A的OP2 key plus words.这首歌不用说当然是目黑将司的作品,这首歌虽然是轻摇滚风格,但依然在乐器的运用上还是非常有目黑将司的风格,虽然运用的乐器不多但是切换非常恰当,快节奏的鼓点的运用让人感觉非常好,而电吉他的出现也恰到好处,使整首歌让人听起来不会觉得过于快或者过于缓,加上一贯的英语歌词,整体感觉非常棒.


好了,今天就差不多到这里了,不过最后还是要吐槽一下,为啥这首key plus words我搜了这么久还是搜不了lrc歌词啊

key plus words    

作詞:Lotus Juice
歌:平田志穂子 feat.川村ゆみ

hide and seek it wants to play again
like a detective,I won't let it get away
it's constantly costuming with loads of fake
I will strip search if I have to
no I'm not afraid to know it no no no
I am so determined
to chase after what's hidden
and seize this day
this moment
(wanna know)
ENTER KEY to accelerate
(wanna go)
ignition turned on
it's about the time to drive to truth
(wanna seize)
stranger than any movies
(wanna see)
ignorance is not bliss
(they say that truth will out)
(can't keep on hiding)
there's no turning back now
I'm gonna go on
I'm gonna go get what I want
myst is covering my peripheral vision
but my determination is mind blowing
it's so blatant I won't be a bit timid
it can trick you and there won't be any treat
no I'm not afraid to find out no no no
so eager so hungry
to seek out secret
can you conceal it?
when I am after you
(wanna know)
ENTER WORDS to activate
(wanna go)
one more piece to go
it's about the time to fill it in
(wanna seize)
stranger than any novels
(wanna see)
ignorance is not bliss
(they say that truth will out)
(can't keep on running)
there's no turning back now
I'm gonna go on
I'm gonna go get what I need
I wanna know
even it may hurt
even it brings pain within
my mind's determined
I need to know
even it may kill
even it may change me
ready to face truth
(wanna know)
ENTER KEY to accelerate
(wanna go)
ignition turned on
it's about the time to drive to truth
(wanna seize)
stranger than any movies
(wanna see)
ignorance is not bliss
(they say that truth will out)
I wanna go on
and gonna keep it "ON"
(wanna know)
ENTER WORDS to activate
(wanna go)
one more piece to go
it's about the time to fill it in
(wanna seize)
strange than any novels
(wanna see)
ignorance is not bliss
(they say that truth will out)
(can't keep on running)
there's no turning back now
I'm gonna go on
I'm gonna go get what I need

[Full Screen]

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